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meie lugu / our story


Oleme grupp Tallinna Ülikooli tudengeid ja õppejõudusid, kes on 2018/2019. õppeaastal koondunud erialasid lõimiva uuenduse ehk ELU projekti meeskonnaks.  Projekti eesmärk on tutvustada Birmat ja hariduse olukorda Birmas, täpsemalt Shani osariigis. Projekti kestel toome Sinuni põnevaid lugusi ja teemasi Birma hariduse, poliitika ja arengukoostöö seostest, et tutvustada sealseid probleeme ja vajadusi ning seda, miks on oluline meil Eestis panustada haridusse ja arenguskoostöösse. Projekti viime ellu koostöös MTÜ Mondoga, mis on suurim arengukoostöö, humanitaarabi ja maailmaharidusega tegelev Eesti organisatsioon. 

Vaata lähemalt, kes moodustavad meie meeskonna ning tule võta osa meie üritustest! 



We are a group of students and lecturers from Tallinn University who started the Shan State Education Project in collaboration with NGO Mondo (Estonia) as part of an interdisciplinary project-based course called ELU. We will spend the academic year of 2018-2019 together exploring the topic of education in Myanmar/Burma, particularly in the Shan state. We will try to better understand the issues, explore solutions and fundraise to help with local educational projects in Myanmar. The idea for a joint project was initiated by professor Alexander Horstmann (Tallinn University) and Triinu Ossinovski (Tallinn University & Mondo).

You may read about us all below and join our activities!



Dr. Alex Horstmann.JPG

A social anthropologist based at Tallinn University. Works with civil society on human rights, humanitarian aid, migration and religion.

Projekti juhendaja / Project Supervisor

Alexander Horstmann


Researcher at Tallinn University. Interested in digitally deprived communities and teacher empowerment for school-based digital innovation.

Projekti juhendaja / Project Supervisor

James Sunney Quaicoe


A researcher and a student at Tallinn University's school of Educational Sciences. Passionate about people and creating change. 

Üliõpilane / Student




Tallinna Ülikooli riigiteaduste magistriõppe üliõpilane. Enne seda õppinud teoloogiat Tartu Ülikoolis.

Master's student of Government and Administration at Tallinn University. Perviously has studied Theology at University of Tartu.

Üliõpilane / Student



Master’s student of Asian Studies at Tallinn University.Experienced Project Manager with a history of working in civil society and business sector.

Üliõpilane / Student

Herdis Pärn


MA of Political Studies at the University of Mandalay, Myanmar. Works with iPACE, providing political and civic educations to CSO members, political party members, and students in Myanmar.

Üliõpilane / Student

Soe Htet


MA student of Asian Studies at Tallinn University. Interested in Asian politics and society, especially passionate about East Asia, including North Korea-South Korea relations and the faith of North Korean defectors.

Üliõpilane / Student



MA student from Tallinn University (Educational management).

Üliõpilane / Student



BA student of Integrated Arts, Music and Multimedia. Mostly passionate about photography and styling. Interested in languages and art history.

Üliõpilane / Student



Ecuadorian currently studying Politics and Governance in Tallinn University. My main interests focus in Human Rights, humanitarian aid, diplomacy and NGO's. Lately volunteering with ongoing national and international projects with MTÜ Mondo.

Üliõpilane / Student

Martin Peñaherrera


Burma/Myanmar experts at the NGO Mondo, focusing on development cooperation projects in the region and elsewhere in developing countries.

Triinu Ossinovsky

Projekti juhendaja / Project Supervisor

otsi nime.jpg

Exchange student at Tallinn University, PhD student from Anthropology department, University of Mandalay, Myanmar.

ZinThu Tun

Üliõpilane / Student


Master Student in Anthropology. Passionate about religious studies, photography and languages, combines these passions with a fond love for travelling.

Debi Gretaa Onorati

Üliõpilane / Student


MA student from Tallinn University  focusing on the politics of China and South-East Asia. Recently studied in Myanmar for a semester.

Karl-Hendrik Pallo

Üliõpilane / Student

Nang Ingyin khaing_edited.jpeg

An exchange MA student from Mandalay University, Myanmar.

Nang Ingyin Khaing

Üliõpilane / Student


MA student of Educational Sciences, particulary interested in developing educational technologies for effective language learning. 

Ayzhana Khasanova

Üliõpilane / Student


MA student of Political science at Tallinn University. Interested in ethnic relations and political culture. Also passionate about travelling and exploring new cultures.

Anna Mäkinen

Üliõpilane / Student


MA student of Political science at Tallinn University. Interested in local political culture and ethnic minority/majority relationships


Üliõpilane / Student


MA student of Asian Studies at Tallinn University. In everyday life I work as an Estonian language teacher.


Üliõpilane / Student


MA student of Asian studies at Tallinn University focusing on Japan but also interested in Southeast Asia. Currently working in accounting and finances, at other times as a freelance translator.

Martti Mere

Üliõpilane / Student

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