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  • Grete Karelsohn

Birmast saabus rõõmusõnum/A joyful message came from Burma

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Üks Mondo üheksast toetuslapsest Nang Shwe Kyar (pildil), kes lõpetas äsja Namlani keskooli 8. klassi, on oma eksamitulemuste põhjal paremuselt kooli kolmas õpilane Ei tema vanematel ega vanavanematel ole põhi- ega keskharidust; seda enam peetakse tema saavutust kogukonna silmis väga silmapaistvaks. Tüdruku koolitee oleks peale algkooli katkenud ilma Mondo Tarkusefondi toetuseta. Meil on koos pool vajaminevast summast, et juunis algaval kooliaastal saaks Namlanis kooli minna 10 šani külalast.

One of Mondo's nine support children, Nang Shwe Kyar (pictured), who has just graduated from the 8th grade at Namlan High School, is the third best student in her school based on her exam results. Neither her parents nor grandparents have a primary or secondary education; the more her achievement is considered to be very prominent within the community. The girl's school path would have been interrupted without the support of Mondo's Wisdom Foundation. We have gathered half of the amount we need to allow 10 school children to go to school in Namlan the next school year starting in June.

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